About Us

Hello and welcome to Made By C Clothing.

I am or was a full time Primary School teacher until having my eldest girl in 2017, since then I have worked part-time in teaching. On moving back to my hometown, and with no job in line, Made by C began...

I have always had an interest in sewing, having done textiles at both GCSE and A-Level, I then went on to complete a degree in Costume and Textiles. Before teaching training I also spent some time making dance costumes for a local company. Teaching, house renovations and then having a child kind of ate away at my down-time meaning sewing took a back seat - well a non-existent seat!

Lockdown and moving the home office around to allow for my partner to work from home gave me the space and time to get back into it. It soon came flooding back and I started a sewing page to showcase what I was making, and then with encouragement from friends and family I started making steps to create a little business. I started with Instagram and Facebook pages and here I am now with my very own website!

I hope to bring unique exclusive fabrics and quality, well-made clothing to you. 
